Meet Our Second Chance Recipient, Heather Foust!
Heather Tells Us About Her Dental Health:
I have not been to the dentist since I was little. I could not afford one when I was older, and my father was battling cancer so my parents couldn’t afford it either. I got a cavity and tried to go the dentist but couldn’t afford for him to fix it, so my teeth have just gotten worse. Now I’m missing most of my teeth and the get infected all the time. I would love to get them fixed but with three little girls under the age of 12, all my money goes to bills and taking care of them. I would really to get my teeth fixed so my kids can see me smile at them and not have to hide my smile because of my missing and decade teeth.
Heather Tells Us Why Restoring Her Smile Is Important to Her:
I have three little girls and would love for them to see me smile at them without having to hide my missing or decades teeth. My four-year-old has never seen me smile where you can see my teeth. And they get infected all the time. I would love to have them fixed so I can be around for my kids to grow up.
Heather Tells Us Why She Thinks She Is a Good Candidate for the Second Chance Program:
It would mean everything for me to be able to give my kids a full smile teeth showing and all. I need my teeth fixed so I can be around to take care of my kids. Almost all of my teeth are decayed or broke off at the gums.