My name is Steve Childress; I'm a general dentist at Stonewood Dental. I'm actually the principle and primary owner at Stonewood Dental in Waco, Texas. Been referring Scott Warren for numerous years mainly because of the clinical skills and the way his team concept take care of my patients. We have such a great communication between my team and his team that the treatment experience the patients get from start to finish is first class. After my patients visit Dr. Warren, the feedback we get is just very warming. They're well informed; they feel well respected. It's a warm environment where they're invited to ask questions and address their concerns. Dr. Warren, afterwards, always calls the patients to check on them to make sure they're doing okay afterwards, and the results I get are phenomenal from the surgical aspect. I typically refer . . . I do a lot of surgery, I do a lot of implants, but implants that are beyond my capability, bone grafting procedures, certainly traumas and medically compromised patients. Dr. Warren is probably the best I've ever seen at achieving cosmetic results with implants and surgical procedures.--Dr. Childress